Minggu, 31 Mei 2009

Dad....do you hear me ??

Piaggio's HyS-equipped scooters ($3,199)

Piaggio is set to introduce HyS, a new hybrid engine scooter next year. The HyS-equipped scooters offer a whopping 141 miles per gallon. Models set for launch : the Piaggio MP3, X8, and the company's Vespa LX >> piaggiousa.com; vespausa.com

*dad...may i change my vava with piaggio... ?? i love it so much,dad....
P L E A S E ..^ ^,b

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

T O D A Y i'm in L O V E

this game make me looking so stupid ever and finally i'm lose the game..
ufff....*bodohny kadang telat nih si monikk..><'

H Y P E !! i like Night at the Museum 1 and 2 ..

*both of people spend the day with her/him spouse..and how about me ??
i was spended my day with piti (*my crazy friend,,^ ^\m/)..
i'm so happy with this day..>> makan siang di gokana > nonton night @ the museum 2 > main board game K E L T I S . . .

H Y P E for T O D A Y . . .

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

cinderella dan spatu kurcaci

spatu kurcaci....yg terlihat aga sulit dicuci
but i'm a little bit fans of it

H Y P E E !!!!

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

bikinnnn "N G I L E R R R"

o...my god...spatu ini bikin gw ngilerr ga brenti brenti untuk kedua kaliny,,stlh si nike sialan yg smp detik ini blom jg kebeli ... !!

K U L K I T H > > spatu unik yg ciri khas ny adalah perpaduan antara modern dan tradisional indonesia ... i'm lovin it ... *pokony gw musti punya ... !!

add the FB >> just kulkith

Senin, 11 Mei 2009


oughhhh....start today with a final exam...!!
and tomorrow we must to continue our exam...!!oughhh... sumprittt....

malessss banget blajar....bwt ngilangin kesuntukan, akhirnya gw online,sambil cari2 bahan bwt referensi uas bsk...tp tp tp lagi lagi facebook bikin gw anteng didepan situs tercetak tebal itu...

ahhh...come on guy,,how to make a serious study ? lagi lagi dan lagi sambil baca2 referensi bahan uas,gw mulai mecoba situs yg lain...yups...Yahoo Messg. !!

terjebak untuk kedua kalinya...di tambah lagi di sini gw bisa pk webcam...beuhhh....!!
untuk yang satu ini ternyata bener2 bisa ngilangin kepenatan gw sesaat...

webcam an b-2 sm si piti (*my crazy friend..^ ^v) ,, !!

kita udh kayak anak autis yang emang ga pernah diterapi sm orang tuanya .... hihihihi ....
nyengar nyegir , ketawa ketiwi, ejek ejekan,
dan segala macam kebrutalan yang bs kita luapkan,walaupun dengan keterbatasan media...

but,, i'm so enjoy it ... until i feel so tired , and our eyes looking like a line... hak hak hak ... hufff....

and how about tomorow ??
how about my exam ,,
wish all luck..^ ^,b


Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

ditengah hiruk pikuk,keramaian dunia...!!

disaat gw stuck,dan terserang sakit kepala ditambah sakit gigi yang sakitny tiada tara...
some songs was made me cooling down,and feel so better than before...

you must to hear it..!!
1. Lenka - the show,
2. Jason MRaz - i'm yours,
3. Any version - Someday will know,
4. Muse - suppermasive black hole,
5. SoulID - Ingin dicinta

cobain puter 4 lagu yg udh gw tulisin barusan...

and the bonus for you, i'd give ..
Lenka lyrics - the show

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
i don't know where to go, can't do it alone
I've tried, and i don't know why...

Slow it down, make it stop
Or else my heart is going to pop
'Cause it's too much, yeah it's a lot
To be something i'm not
I'm a fool out of love
'Cause i just can't get enough...

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
i don't know where to go, can't do it alone
I've tried, and i don't know why
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but i don't show it
I can't figure it out, it's bringing me down
I know i've got to let it go...
And just enjoy the show

The sun is hot in the sky
Just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the signs
And synchronise in time
It's a joke, nobody knows
They've got a ticket to the show....

(i want my money back, just enjoy the show)
hype !! i love this song . . .

*sebenernya gw juga pengen bgt ngeset lagu the show di blog ini,tp keterbatasan ilmu gwlah yg bikin gw blom bs ngeset lagu itu di blog gw sendiri...hak hak hak...dasar bodoh..^ ^,b

Senin, 04 Mei 2009


last week i couldn't post anything...

very busy ever .. !!!
tugas setumpuk, presentasi tiap hari . . udah ngalah2in orang kantoran yg dapet lemburan gratisan . .
tapi disela - sela tumpukan tugas,ternyata gw masih bisa curi-curi halaman bwt refreshing sejenak... huff huff... let's looked it !!

saturday..@ kebun teh,lembang...dengan segala keniatan,kenekatan,dan keberanian,,akhirny kita bs nembus tangkuban perahu dan muncul di kebun teh..>>klo si ibu tau,bs disidang sblm waktuny gw...hak hak hak ... piss ah bu .. ^ ^V
kebun teh
wednesday..@dago plasa...disaat suara kita mulai menipis...kita berusaha memperbaikiny di dokter NAV
dago plaza
thursday...at ngopdul..saturday going back to ngopdul and continue at ciwalk...

and today on monday >> i was spended my day with my high's friendship...at igelanca, dago atas...an atmosfer it so cool,and it feels better with our over laugh ... umm ... i' m so miss it...^ ^,